Organization Policies

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Confidentiality Policy

This policy applies to all board members, staff, volunteers, doctors and service users. It relates to spoken, written and computerized information.

CHETANA CHILD & WOMAN WELFARE SOCIETY recognizes the importance of confidentiality of individuals, in particular their HIV status. As such, confidentiality must be central to the work CHETANA CHILD & WOMAN WELFARE SOCIETY. Service users must be assured of confidentiality when they access our facilities/services. It is crucial that everyone associated with CHETANA CHILD & WOMAN WELFARE SOCIETY recognize this.

Definition of Confidentiality

Treating with confidence personal information about clients, whether directly or indirectly or by inference. Such information includes name, address, biographical details and other descriptions of the service user’s life and circumstances, which might result in identification of the service user.

In the course of work with CHETANA CHILD & WOMAN WELFARE SOCIETY, staff may have access to information about individuals, which is of highly personal and confidential nature. Such information includes details about sexual orientation, HIV status, AIDS diagnosis, health, medical conditions, treatment, finances, living arrangements, drug use, employment, details about family and friends. It must be understood that this information is strictly confidential and that all employees and volunteers have a responsibility to uphold this principle at all times in the present or future.

CHETANA CHILD & WOMAN WELFARE SOCIETY abides by the laws of confidentiality and is committed to ensure that there is no breach of any information of a personal or confidential nature to any person.

Breach of Confidentiality

Breach of these confidentiality guidelines is taken very seriously. It will lead to dismissal from service.

CHETANA CHILD & WOMAN WELFARE SOCIETY believes that there is a need to keepconfidential information on service users, volunteers and staff in order for it to function effectively.

The methods of obtaining, storing and using this information must be carefully assessed, particularly when information is to be given to an outside body, whether to an individual or to an organization. The co-operation of all parties (those disclosing information, those handling it and those receiving it) is essential in this process, in particular consent of service users should be obtained before recording any information. Information collected should be limited to the minimum necessary for the use required.

Records will be reviewed annually and all information, which is no longer relevant, will be removed. This redundant information will be destroyed.


Confidential information stored on computer must be password protected. Pen Drives/ Floppy discs containing confidential information must be securely locked away.

Terminals should not be left unattended when confidential information is being displayed.

Files will be reviewed annually and any information no longer relevant will be deleted.


All service users, agencies and organizations that send confidential information in the workplace must be asked to mark their correspondence "Private and Confidential" and staff dealing with the post instructed not to open such correspondence.

Telephone calls

Telephone calls in which the service user may be identified or in which information relating to HIV status will be disclosed, should take place in private. If calls cannot take place within a private setting, provision must be made not to give out service user’s identifying information.


Chetana Child and Women Welfare Society